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Messages - Pure

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Avoiding the 0 credits thing would be simple enough to solve. Just add a couple of IF statements in there.

Thanks for the replies guys. I have currently disbaled post deletion but I would still like a fix because I want my users to be able to delete their posts.

Cheers peoples. :)

Peace, Lance

Coding / Requesting a fix for a major way of rapidly gaining credits.
« on: March 20, 2007, 10:31:47 am »
Hey people.

Well it was pointed out to me today that there is a way of rapidly increasing your credit total with little effort.

A user would post a message with as many words as they could and instantly delete it afterwards. But the credits they gained from it would remain. Then just keep repeating and you can gain thousands in seconds. Luckily the person who let me know about this is a trusted guy and hasn't exploited it.

So I was wondering if you could create a fix for this. I have a few ideas of how to do this.

I would imagine setting something up similar to the post count were if you delete a message, the post count decreases.
However, instead of having it set constantly, have it only active for about an hour after the message has been posted.
So if somebody posted a load of words and tried to delte it within the hour, the credits would get delted too.
It would also give the admins time to see what's going on.

I hope you're following me with this and could perhaps work something out.

Cheers guys. O0

Peace, Lance

Coding / Re: Idea: Be a moderator for a day.
« on: February 16, 2007, 09:13:55 am »
I don't suppose there is anything on this idea? Calling out for a coder to help a brother out. :) There is no rush though, just wanted to hear from somebody. I imagine this would be more difficult than the usual items though...Cheers.

Peace, Lance

Coding / Quotes give you credits. Would like to disable this.
« on: February 16, 2007, 12:16:23 am »
As the title says, quotes from other members are counted as your own words so you earn credits for them. People have found this out and are quoting when not necessary. Any chance this could be disabled?

Peace, Lance

Coding / Idea: Be a moderator for a day.
« on: February 10, 2007, 06:17:05 am »
Just had an idea for an item which allows members to be a moderator for a day or however long,  on a board of their choosing. Obviously, staff protected boards and such wouldn't be included. Would it be a good item do you think? And how much work would it be to set it up.

Note I'm not requesting this. I'm just trying to give ideas and inspire the coders that have the knowledge to create these great items. :)

Peace, Lance

Coding / Re: Members allowed to sell their own files
« on: February 09, 2007, 11:22:56 am »
Wow man. Thanks very much. That's really great of you to do so. I'm currently studying php and other languages in a course I'm taking. So the day will soon come that I can give something back to all who have helped me and others :)

Just out of interest, how come you are only a Jr Member? With all the work you do for people, you should have your own rank ;)

Peace, Lance

Coding / Re: Help With Points For Boards
« on: February 09, 2007, 10:22:31 am »
That's pretty neat actually feeble. I'll give this a shot. Yeah I understand what it means. Cheers. :)

Peace, Lance

Coding / Re: Members allowed to sell their own files
« on: February 09, 2007, 04:53:30 am »
Well, no. They can sell the item as long as they want to. Depends what it is. If it's a brush pack for instance, that would have multiple buys. But if it's an item they want to sell once, then they would have to lock the topic once it has been sold.

The Marketplace on my forum is slightly different to what it would be in the shop. Obviously with the marketplace being a forum board, people can ask questions, make offers or whatever. If it was in the shop, you wouldn't have that. But the idea was to have the ability for people to upload there own items for sale in the shop. A simple idea really. They would go to the shop and have an option upload their own files. Select price, amount, category etc, and just generally build up the shop items so there are more things to choose from.

I just like the idea of having everything in the shop area rather than using the forums.

I don't mean to over complicate this. I simply would like users to be able to add their own items to the shop's list. That's it really. I can't think of how to explain any further. I've said everything I can.

One more reason I wanted this idea. The Marketplace is fine for users to sell things, but if they had a multiple sales item, they would have to manage PM's and messages from everybody who wants the item and then manually send the item to each of them. This could be really tedious and time consuming. If they could upload a file in the shop, it would all be automatic. You see what I mean?

I do understand it will probably take a fair bit of coding actually. The users would have to receive credits from their own items so that would have to be set up. And of course a panel in which they can manage their own items; edit, delete etc. I don't know. Maybe I'm asking too much. It was just an idea. I'm happy with my forums Marketplace for now.

Peace, Lance

Coding / Re: Members allowed to sell their own files
« on: February 08, 2007, 07:40:01 pm »
Thanks for the reply again.

No I'm not using tinyportal.

Those are exactly the ideas I had for it. Basicaly exactly the same as the file upload that's already there, but allow other users to do the same thing.

EDIT: The forums are here: It's my own custom theme which is constantly being modified and upgraded.

I have set up a demo account so you can look around. Posting is disabled along with other options too.

User: demo
Pass: demo

Peace, Lance

Coding / Re: Members allowed to sell their own files
« on: February 08, 2007, 02:35:12 am »
I'm not interested in real money, no.

To upload, I imagine the users going to a sell items page within the smf shop nav. Then the page would have some fields:

Browse File:

Similar to when you set up a file download item that is already a part of smfshop.

At the moment, I have set up a board where people can simply create topics to sell their own files to whoever wants them. Then they lock the topic when it's sold. They can just send each other the credits when they buy.

But my idea was to have it all in the smfShop interface so a forum board doesn't have to be set up. I hope that explains a little better.

Peace, Lance

Coding / Re: Help With Points For Boards
« on: February 06, 2007, 07:38:56 pm »
Something I wouldn't mind also. Very good idea Tanix. I just hope somebody who could implement this will read this topic.

Peace, Lance

Coding / Re: Members allowed to sell their own files
« on: February 04, 2007, 11:43:58 pm »
Any news on this?  I check back about 10 times a day hoping to see something. Anything would be good to see. Even if it's "it can't be done".

Peace, Lance

Coding / Members allowed to sell their own files
« on: February 01, 2007, 07:35:22 pm »
I've had a search on the forum but couldn't find anything on this, which surprised me.

Anyway, I have only had it up and running for a day and already I have tons of requests from members asking if they can add their own files in the trade center. I imagine it to be like the file download item but members can specify an URL for their own files. Would this be an easy thing to mod?

The reason I would like this is because it is a graphics development community and members would like to sell their own PSD's and brush packs etc.

BTW, I have great respect to you Daniel and everybody else who has worked on items and code. It's a great piece of engineering :)

So yeah, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Peace, Lance

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