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Messages - jessirose

Pages: [1]
General SMFShop Discussion / Re: Moderator access SMF Shop ACP?
« on: June 28, 2006, 01:42:32 pm »
i think setting it up in the permissions window as part of a moderator activity would be great... next to the "allow email members"... i could see maybe even two...

"administrate shop"


"view and edit shop members inventory"

General SMFShop Discussion / Re: Moderator access SMF Shop ACP?
« on: June 19, 2006, 03:01:34 pm »
i would really like this as well...

i also think it would be good if they could just be able to edit members inventory and maybe also re-stock items already in the shop :)

that sounds like exactly what i need....

you wouldn't be able to just give me the bits of code that are required to send the email to the admin would you?

basicly i want to make that feature as a base feature for all my items so that whenever a user uses any of their items i will be notified by PM or email :)

i wouldn't've thought it would be very hard... i think i'm just missing some vital step

General SMFShop Discussion / Re: need help with an item action
« on: June 14, 2006, 12:39:41 pm »
i just noticed the "emailadmin" item which is almost what i'm looking for... i was just wondering if someone might be able to help me modify it...

this is the original code

Code: [Select]
| SMFSHOP (Shop MOD for Simple Machines Forum) |
|         (c) 2005 DanSoft Australia           |
|           |

//File: EmailAdmin.php
//      Email the admin item

//VERSION: 2.0 (Build 8)
//DATE: 26th December 2005

class item_EmailAdmin extends itemTemplate {

    function getItemDetails() {
        $this->name "Send Email to Admin v2";
        $this->desc "Send off an email to the admin. A good use for this (for a web host) is an 'Add 100MB of Webspace to your hosting account'";
        $this->price 10;

    function getAddInput() {
        return 'Your email address: <input type="text" name="info1" size="50"><br>
                Subject of message: <input type="text" name="info2" size="50"><br>
                Additional fields needed:<br>
                    <textarea name="info3" rows="6" cols="40">
Web Hosting Username: <input type="text" name="host_user">

                Message to send:<br>
                    <textarea name="info4" rows="10" cols="80">
100MB Extra webspace has been bought from the Forum Shop by user {$_POST["host_user"]}. Please add it to his/her account
  --Shop Mailer

<b>NOTE:</b> The additional fields will be filled in by the user when they use the item.
To use one of your additional fields in either the message or subject, use the {$_POST["varname"]}
format, where "varname" is the name of the field (see the above dummy data for an example)'
    function getUseInput() {
        global $item_info;
        //the 'additional fields needed' entered during item setup
        return $item_info[3];

    function onUse() {
        global $item_info;
        $to $item_info[1];
        $subject $item_info[2];

        $message $item_info[4];

        //Hack put in place to allow $_POST and $_GET vars in the $message var
        //--daniel15, 4 Septemeber 2005 2:15PM
        foreach ($_POST as $postKey => $postVar){
            $message str_replace('{$_POST["'.$postKey.'"]}'$postVar$message);
//            $message = str_replace("{$_POST['".$postKey."']}", $postVar, $message);
foreach ($_GET as $getKey => $getVar){
            $message str_replace('{$_GET["'.$getKey.'"]}'$getVar$message);
//            $message = str_replace("{$_GET['".$getKey."']}", $getVar, $message);

        mail($to$subject$message) or die("Error sending message to admin! Please inform the Admin of this error. This item will still be available in your inventory.");

        return "Message sent to admin!";


i would like something much simplier, instead of requiring the user to put in a name like the above does, is there any possible way of taking out the user input altogether and instead using $ID_member or whatever the code is for the username/display name and just shoving that directly in the email that gets sent so that you do not require user input whatsoever...

and in saying that is it also possible to make the message

100MB Extra webspace has been bought from the Forum Shop by user {$_POST["host_user"]}. Please add it to his/her account
  --Shop Mailer

have the username as a link to their profile like all SMF emails usually have.

Of course it would be much simplier i think if we skipped the email and instead send a PM but i really have no idea how to do that.

all i have worked out how to do is stop the item from dissapearing out of the users inventory... by changing

Code: [Select]
return "Message sent to admin!";


Code: [Select]
die ("Message sent to admin!");

however that is a bit messy and requires the user to then click the back button and then refresh but i know no other way

hi, i'm not very good at coding so i was wondering if someone could help me,

i wish to create dead items that do only one thing,

all i want them to do is when you click on the "use" button what it does is send an instant IM to every admin (or just my personally member number) with maybe just a simple "member x brought an item from the shop"... or if at all possible... "member x brought item x from the shop" listing who brought it and what they brought so that i may then at my leisure go and do the actioning myself (for example go and give them access to a private room for 2 weeks).... then once the member clicks the "buy" button and it sends the IM off i wish it to return to there inventory with the item still there, i don't want the item to be deleted once they click the buy button, i want to do the removing myself...

is this at all possible and could anyone help me with this at all??

General SMFShop Discussion / Are time limited items possible?
« on: February 21, 2006, 12:18:43 pm »
hi :)

i was just wondering if it is at all possible with coding for a member to purchase an object, lets say access to a particular board and have it expire after a certain amount of time (lets say 2 weeks) is this at all possible??

General SMFShop Discussion / Re: Shop Ideas
« on: January 23, 2006, 08:53:23 am »
thanx for looking at this i would really appreciate it :)

General SMFShop Discussion / Re: Shop Ideas
« on: January 19, 2006, 06:34:33 pm »
daniel i was wondering something that i asked over at SMF (username: Lostprophecy)

is it possible to have an email or PM send to either one person (myself) or all admins everytime someone buys something from the shop (i'm not talking about trade centre emails)

either that or is it possible to have a purchase log set up somewhere in admin where i can access it...

i really wouldlike this so i can keep track of what everyone is buying... having >250 members makes it hard if you can't keep a track of it


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