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Topics - ProwlingTiger

Pages: [1]
Installation Problems / [SOLVED] Cron job probs
« on: May 23, 2007, 07:38:13 am »
Okay, I set up a cron job with the dointerest.php file. I dont have cpanel, but it should work, shouldnt it?

My interest doesnt run, and I'm getting this error in my email daily:

Code: [Select]
sh: line 1: php: command not found

Cron Job:
Code: [Select]
php /home/***/www/forums/sources/shop/dointerest.php
Code: [Select]
| SMFSHOP (Shop MOD for Simple Machines Forum) |
|         (c) 2005 DanSoft Australia           |
|        |

//File: dointerest.php
//      The file to add interest to member's bank

//VERSION: 1.31 (Build 7)
//DATE: 10th December 2005
// $Id: dointerest.php 4 2006-07-08 10:09:08Z daniel15 $

if(!isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])) {


$interest_rate $modSettings['shopInterest'] / 100;
db_query("UPDATE {$db_prefix}members
  SET moneyBank = moneyBank + (moneyBank*

echo "Interest added at ".date("d/m/Y h:i:s A");

I'd be more than willing to provide whatever files necessary to get this working.


Installation Problems / cron job without cpanel?
« on: April 30, 2007, 01:49:13 am »
Can someone help me configure the cron job without cpanel?

Pages: [1]