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Messages - pablo24

Pages: [1]
Items / Re: [New Item] Bolsa/Saco de creditos (Spanish)
« on: January 31, 2011, 01:30:59 am »
No me funciona, hay alguna forma de que funcione en la shop 3.1.6 con smf 2.0rc3
Ya que quiero tener el item :(

Modifications / Re: SMFShop Stats Modification
« on: January 26, 2011, 10:36:56 pm »
I tyed to install it, but i had some problems.
I use smf 2.0rc3 and smfshop 3.1.6
I can't install it because there's a problem on this: ./Sources/shop/Shop-Buy.php

Could you update it please

I would be very pleased,

Thankyou before hand

Pages: [1]