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Messages - Melissa524

Pages: [1]
Okay I can't find the way to turn of a board and keep people from getting credits in certain board.  I go under Boards and Modify but it isn't there.  I am using SMFshop 3.1.61 and SMF 2.0 RC3

Coding / Two things
« on: July 24, 2010, 02:18:03 pm »
Is there a way to allow me to reset the number of credits a member has board wise?  I just added the store and instead of going and resetting the credits manually, it would be easier to do a board wise reset. 

* To choose which forums credits are accumulated on, go into the 'Manage Boards' section of your SMF admin panel. There will be an option for it there.

Second, I can the place mention above.  I am running 2.0 RC3.

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