Author Topic: Requesting A Couple of Important Items  (Read 3083 times)

Offline thetzfreak

Requesting A Couple of Important Items
« on: March 02, 2006, 09:04:09 am »
Hi there! Great mod you've made, great job. I would just like to request a couple of items I think are crucial for my forum.

Like a couple of other people suggested, I would like "Glowing Username", and maybe things like "Bold Username", and "Italicized Username".

However, the most important thing I need is "Sticky Topic". This would let someone sticky one of their topics for a certain amount of time (if that's too complicated then just make it sticky infinitely). Also, if possible, "Color Topic". This would make their topic title in the message index a different color so it stands out.

If you can do that, that would be amazing.


Offline Daniel15

Re: Requesting A Couple of Important Items
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2006, 03:30:17 pm »
Well, I've done an item that allows you to change the way the user's title is displayed. This includes changing the username colour, or making it italic, or whatever. I actually wrote it a while ago, and just rediscovered the code for it :)

Please see for more information on the item.