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Author Topic: Some of my Ideas;  (Read 2115 times)

Offline DracoGuard

Some of my Ideas;
« on: December 04, 2009, 09:37:46 am »
I've spent an hour reading some of the stuff here so I'll add links to the ideas I have that are related.  I'll number things so when people reply they can just say the number instead of telling me which ideas they like and which ones they don't.

1. LINK <- This was a good idea, but here is my version to it:
An option on each item group that says "Can Be Traded? Yes/No" and if Yes, it's the same as now.  If No, the item can not be traded in the trade center.
Another option to make it so that a person can not buy multiple of certain items such as huge things.  Like a space ship :P  "Can Buy Multiple? Yes/No" Again, Yes is standard item.  No means you can only have one.

2. LINK <- I'm on board with some of this idea.  Basically I want items to be able to have a "pay per ## days" option and if you fail to pay, it gets deleted.  So basically a new slot that says "User pays this much per ___ days to keep this item? (0 to disable)" with a maximum of 1 leap year as the time allowed.

3. LINK <- Yes, this could be very useful.  I hate having to hold control and click BUY ITEM several times when I could just go "Buy 10" instead.

4. LINK <- I love this idea as well.

5. LINK <- A new "Trash" option in your inventory would be nice.  Even better to have a trash bin that you can look in to retrieve items thrown away if within a week.

6. LINK <- I kinda like this idea though maybe more like total money in the entire forum (excluding staff cause I have my money set to infinite for a reason) will increase item prices buy % that is set in the options area.
Aka "Total money in forum reaches #####, increase item prices by % or ## %creditsname? (0 in all to disable)"
Example: "Total money in forum reaches 10000, increase item prices by 0% or 3 Gold? (0 in all to disable)"

7. I'm on Shop 3.0 still so I'm not sure if this works yet but I'd like to see a place where you can edit additional money per post on certain boards.  Maybe in the boards themselves or in the shop admin somewhere.

8. An option to give any user infinite money which also excludes them from shop richest lists.  Basically I don't want my money saying "9,999,999" cause it's easier for me to send money to a user when they deserve it than to go edit their money amount.

9. New interest gaining methods!  Such as "CDs" or stuff like that.  Basically a bank you can't withdraw from for a certain amount of time and it increases what you get at the end instead of just a bank.  Example: Bank 3% per day, Locked Bank 5% per day and unable to withdraw for 3 months.  Just a thought.

10. Each item created has an option to max how much can be in the shop at one time.  So if you restock items, you don't go over the max on some items.  Example:  If someone were to create an item that 10 people can afford and it's super awesome or something and they needed to refill a bunch of other items without adding more to it.  Like Item 1 has a total of 1 max at a time.  and Items 2 and 3 which can have 20 to 50 are down to around 2 and 3.  I think you know what I mean.  :P  Basically where it says "Stock: ___" just have more like this: "Stock: ___ & Max: ___"

11. Limited Edition items!  Items that can't restock!  This is pretty much an addon to the last idea except this one adds the option to disable restocking of item.  I got this idea from an item I made on my forum that will not restock ever.  Or I'll try to keep it from restocking... :P "Stock: ___ & Max: ___ Limited? Yes/No."

12. An easier way to set up the maximum digits in the shop money and if it can go negative?  instead of having to edit the database constantly which is annoying.  I set mine to 30 digits and there are still parts that are kinda broken.  I need negative money too so cheaters can be punished.

13. Punish button, a button that takes the gold you type from a specific user you punish and can even result in negative.  I have a user that's been cheating the shop all the time.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 04:19:17 pm by DracoGuard »

Offline Vas

Re: Some of my Ideas;
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2010, 07:19:36 am »
1. Yes
2. No... Not really no.  Seems kinda useless.
3. Would be nice.
4. Would also be nice.
5. Kinda, rather just a trash option to throw items away.
6. Maybe...
7. I don't see the point.
8. I guess that could work with admins yes.
9. No, bank is fine.
10. Yes, I do love this idea.
11. I like this idea quite a bit too.
12. I'd love that, I still haven't figured out how to do this through the database yet.
13. Maybe.

I think my favorite ideas are 1, 10, 11, and 12 if it were possible.