Author Topic: Request: Reward/punish mod  (Read 1868 times)

Offline Chimcanhcut

Request: Reward/punish mod
« on: November 25, 2008, 02:31:39 am »
I would like a mod that allows the admins/moderators reward members with credits.

Example: When the moderator read an interesting post, he can reward the poster. The reward should be credits... And it will show up under the rewarded post.

Somehow like this:

Daniel: I like your idea
Rewarded 1000 $ !!

Offline Chimcanhcut

Re: Request: Reward/punish mod
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2008, 02:36:36 am »
And also the punishment feature :D

I dont know how difficult this request is. But if you can make it, the SMFshop would be perfect.

(the punishment below is just for fun, lol)

Daniel15: I hate this idea
Punished 1000 $