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Messages - TrueDestroyer

Pages: [1]
Items / Re: Slap!
« on: October 04, 2008, 02:18:40 pm »
Wow... didn't really think anyone had taken this up. Cool though. Yeah, the images are dead because of a forum move. I don't think I have them anymore, they were all just random images I pulled from searching "owned" on Google. I'm sure you're all capable of this.

As per the errors and suggestions, if I get a chance, I'll take a look at making a new version.

Items / Slap!
« on: July 28, 2007, 03:36:24 pm »
Alright, I'm trying to make an item that sends a taunt, an image, and a message to a user, along with lowering their Karma. It's called 'Slap A Foo', I thought it would just be something fun that members could do. Anyway, I think I have it working. Anyone want to try it out? Opinions and comments very welcome. There's probably a bug in there somewhere, this is my first custom item.
Code: [Select]
//Author: TrueDestroyer
//File: SlapAFoo.php
//Copyright 2007

// VERSION: 1.0
// Date: 2007-07-38

global $sourcedir;
item_SlapAFoo extends itemTemplate {
getItemDetails() {
//My info
$this->authorName "TrueDestroyer";
$this->authorWeb "";
$this->authorEmail "";
//Item info
$this->name "Slap A Foo";
$this->desc 'Show that fool the disrespect they deserve! Slap'.
' them and knock their Karma down a little.';
$this->price 500;
$this->require_input true;
$this->can_use_item true;
getAddInput() {
//Get the amount of Karma to knock off of the user.
return "Karma to knock out : <input type='text' name='info1' value='5'>'";

getUseInput() {
"<table><tr><td>Slap : </td><td><input type='text' name='slapwho' size='50'>
        <a href='
{$scripturl}?action=findmember;input=slapwho;quote=0;sesc={$context['session_id']}' onclick='return reqWin(this.href, 350, 400);'><img src='{$settings['images_url']}/icons/assist.gif' border='0' alt='{$txt['find_members']}' /> Find Member</a></td></tr>
        <tr><td valign='top'>Talk smack : </td><td><textarea name='talksmack' cols='50' rows='2'></textarea></td></tr></table>"
onUse() {
//Get the current user's display name
$result db_query("SELECT realName, memberName
                  WHERE ID_MEMBER = 
$row mysql_fetch_array($resultMYSQL_ASSOC);
$user $row["realName"];
//Set up the pm
$pmfrom = array(
'id' => $ID_MEMBER,
'name' => $row['realName'],
'username' => $row['memberName']
$pmto = array(
'to' => array($_POST['slapwho']),
'bcc' => array()

    if (
$user == $_POST['slapwho']) {
"You can't slap yourself!";
$amount $item_info[1];
$result db_query("UPDATE {$db_prefix}members
                  SET karmaBad = karmaBad + 
                  WHERE realName = '
//Pick random taunt.
$message rand()%5;
$mess_ar = array(
"[b]{$user}[/b] has just slapped you back to the stone age.\n",
"[b]{$user}[/b] has just shamed you with a slap across the face.\n",
"[b]{$user}[/b] has just slapped you hard enough to make your grandmother feel it.\n",
"[b]{$user}[/b] just smacked you with a fish.\n",
"[b]{$user}[/b] just delivered some ownage on your face.\n"
//Pick random image.
$image rand()%5;
$img_ar = array(

$talk_smack '';
$talk_smack 'And to add insult to injury, they said :
sendpm($pmto'You Have Just Been Slapped!'
0$pmfrom); ;
"You've slapped {$_POST['slapwho']}!!!";


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