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Topics - neotris9

Pages: [1]
Installation Problems / Issues with SMFShop
« on: October 19, 2008, 10:13:32 pm »
I'm running SMF 1.1.6

Is there any way to make it work? Is it even compatible with 1.1.6?

Anyway, I think the only problem is that there is nothing in the admin panel, it creates an extra box but no options. Though I'm not sure so I'll post some screenshots along with this thread.

Any help is appreciated.

Admin CP


*Edit, no errors have occurred, it's just that nothing is working.

*Edit2, turns out that my error log wasn't working.

Anyway, here's the error.
Code: [Select]
File: /home2/bkclanne/public_html/forums/Sources/Subs.php
Line: 2960 + 2062-2067

2960 =      'title' => $txt['shop_admin'],

Here's what I have.
Code: [Select]
// Begin SMFShop code
        if (allowedTo('shop_admin'))
    $context['admin_areas']['shop'] = array (
    'title' => $txt['shop_admin'],
    'areas' => array(
    'shop_general' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=shop_general">' . $txt['shop_admin_general'] . '</a>',
'shop_items_edit' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=shop_items_edit">' . $txt['shop_admin_items_addedit'] . '</a>',
'shop_cat' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=shop_cat">' . $txt['shop_admin_cat'] . '</a>',
    'shop_inventory' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=shop_inventory">' . $txt['shop_admin_inventory'] . '</a>',
'shop_restock' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=shop_restock">' . $txt['shop_admin_restock'] . '</a>',
'shop_usergroup' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=shop_usergroup">' . $txt['shop_admin_usergroup'] . '</a>',
// End SMFShop code

Pages: [1]