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Messages - ron

Pages: [1]
If affiliate mod could be merge into SMFShop, It will become a perfect mod!
I'm looking for this for quite a long time. I hope this will be considered in the future verson. Thanks....

Coding / Re: Combinding with the invite mod
« on: February 06, 2007, 03:07:53 pm »
I am also looking for this kind of affiliate program with SMF Shop. People can join through a 'special' url ( eg. and earn credits. and for every post that this new member does, you get 10% of the points that the member you refered did.

This can be seen in this forum:

They are using SMF Shop mod, and an affiliate mod. Anyone know how to merge this two mod?  ???

Installation Problems / Re: Duplicate links & items
« on: February 05, 2007, 07:39:09 pm »
I found that not only the duplicated words and items, but the credits earn also doubled?!?!

Installation Problems / Duplicate links & items
« on: February 04, 2007, 04:25:32 pm »
Hi Daniel,

I just installed and everything is fine accept the duplicate 'SHOP' word in the header, and repeated items in "Add/Edit/Delete Items" admin panel.

My question is: do I just edit the index.template.php file?... 
Is there any other duplication in database or watever that I need to edit?

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