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Messages - Rezet

Pages: [1]
Requested additions / SmpSHOP+JoomlaLeague
« on: September 15, 2008, 11:28:55 pm »
Hello, guys, I have Joomla + Smf(with SMF-shop extension) and it works very well, what do i want? I want to JoomLeague(sport league component) used points from SMFshop! If someone bets on match he spend Smfshop money and if he win he'll grain more...
Anybody have any ideas how to realize it?
May be anybody tried to make this hack..
I think users will be very happy and so will i =)

Modifications / Re: SMFPets Version 0.2
« on: February 08, 2008, 07:23:26 am »
Can't find how to rule my pet(I don't see TRAIN button or something like this)! Could you give me your link on your pet panel. I think script installed wrong.

P.S. Pets it's good. Take care of them is interesting, but it will became boring at few monthes. I mean, we need more actions to have happy users! It'll be cool if pets can playing games with each other or you can send them to the ring or race challenge.

Sorry for my English %)

General SMFShop Discussion / Re: win 1251 coding
« on: February 06, 2008, 03:34:25 pm »
It's worked! If you have the same problem - just change coding of mysql shop tables

General SMFShop Discussion / Re: win 1251 coding
« on: February 06, 2008, 02:58:23 pm »
I found that all MySQL tables of smfshop using latin1_swedish_ci coding, but i need win1251 cyrillic! Something tels me that i can change coding of each table throught phpMyAdmin.
Start to test

General SMFShop Discussion / win 1251 coding
« on: February 06, 2008, 12:34:01 am »
forum - v1.1.4
smfShop - v3.0
Hello i'm using win-1251(cyrillic) coding on my forum. All works great BUT! If i write description of item, it looks like ????????. How can i fix it?

General SMFShop Discussion / Re: SMFShop and SMF Arcade
« on: January 21, 2007, 05:55:10 am »
Can you help me how to integrate SMF Shop and SMF Arcade?
I want my users to buy tickets for games, and win or lose credits...

Pages: [1]