Author Topic: Arcade Pass Item and SMF Arcade Integration  (Read 101269 times)

Offline David

Re: Arcade Pass Item and SMF Arcade Integration
« Reply #45 on: May 05, 2007, 06:22:35 am »
I tested it on a test forum of mine...0 days gives you 0 days of arcade playing not unlimited other words a worthless pass and the idea doesn't work.

 Maybe Hambil might be willing to offer a new version with such a feature?

 BTW always glad to help.

Offline NFM

Re: Arcade Pass Item and SMF Arcade Integration
« Reply #46 on: May 05, 2007, 07:27:03 am »
Yes...thank you for checking.

I was at work and I'm about to head out from home now for the weekend.  I do appreciate the help.  Maybe Hambil can come up with something...if biggie...

Offline David

Re: Arcade Pass Item and SMF Arcade Integration
« Reply #47 on: May 05, 2007, 07:35:19 am »
Thinking about it one way around the issue would be to offer a pass that doesn't get removed from the members inventory after use...meaning they can use it as often as they like and thus have what is in effect a non expiring arcade pass.

 You can set this up whan you create the pass item...there's a check-box for not removing an item from the member's inventory after use.

Offline perplexed

Re: Arcade Pass Item and SMF Arcade Integration
« Reply #48 on: June 05, 2007, 04:56:27 am »
Okay....say I want to create a "Lifetime Pass" for an large amount of credits....would I just set the expiration days to 0 or would that not work?

like david says, dont remove it from their inventory.  I like this idea but how to set the number of credits high enough lol
Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre?

Offline perplexed

Re: Arcade Pass Item and SMF Arcade Integration
« Reply #49 on: June 06, 2007, 09:04:45 am »
hey Hambil, we are being told by smfarcade to upgrade to 2.0.8 for security reasons but this wonderful creation is only working with 2.0.7 they say.  can you please advise or upgrade because I aint upgrading without it :)

Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre?

Offline David

Re: Arcade Pass Item and SMF Arcade Integration
« Reply #50 on: June 06, 2007, 09:13:47 am »
 I use it with 2.08 and have done from when they did the arcade problems at all. It also works with Eeek's version.

 You've nothing to worry about.

Offline perplexed

Re: Arcade Pass Item and SMF Arcade Integration
« Reply #51 on: June 06, 2007, 09:16:01 am »
I use it with 2.08 and have done from when they did the arcade problems at all. It also works with Eeek's version.

 You've nothing to worry about.

lol well I was just told differently over there,

Either way is right.I just do the uninstall & reinstall as a habit.I'm sure people have done it the other way and it worked otherwise we'd heard about by now. Smiley
As for hambil mod it will only work in 2.0.7.Also it won't work if you add eeek's mod.So until hambil answer this thread,Thats what we have to work with.Sorry perplexed don't know what else to say.

I would insert the crazy eyed smiley here but they dont seem to work lol
Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre?

Offline David

Re: Arcade Pass Item and SMF Arcade Integration
« Reply #52 on: June 06, 2007, 09:33:16 am »
Hey...I can show you it working on my own sites so I know for sure that there isn't a problem.

 I'd uninstall the integration mod, then upgrade the arcade then reinstall the integration mod...and I'll lay odds with you that you'll wonder what all the fuss was about when you're done as it will work without even a murmer of discontent.

 The integration mod doesn't have any version checking in it so it will try to work with any SMF Arcade version...and will probably work with most (if not all) of the 2.x series. The changes from 2.07 to 2.08 don't affect anything it uses so, again, there simply isn't a problem.

 I wonder if they tried it or just assumed there would be a problem? Maybe Rider had a modified version and that caused difficulties.

Offline perplexed

Re: Arcade Pass Item and SMF Arcade Integration
« Reply #53 on: June 06, 2007, 09:39:00 am »
 Idont know, I only just noticed that 2.0.8 was out as Im using 2.0.6 and I really dont want the hassle of uninstalling an reinstalling due to all the additional work that will be for me, so I asked the question.  I might get to try this week/weekend if I get time but everything is working smoothly for me at the moment so I dont want to rock any boats by fiddling around with upgrades
Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre?

Offline David

Re: Arcade Pass Item and SMF Arcade Integration
« Reply #54 on: June 06, 2007, 09:49:38 am »
 There aren't any database changes between 2.07 and 2,08 and I don't think there would be from 2.06 either (pretty certain actually) so you could just swap in a new set of files (2.07 to 2.08 doesn't change the code edits either...the only changes are in the arcade files themselves.) You'd need to uninstall the hack mods for the arcade then install them again once you'd finished.

 If you then ammended the installed.list file in the Packages directory that would be a very quick and simple upgrade...and save uninstalling/installing all over the place.

 Just compare the install-rc2.xml files...if they are identical then the edits haven't changed between versions and you'll be OK to do it this way.

 The package manager may be easy but it's not half as much fun and you don't learn as much doing it the easy way...or that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

 Somehow I have a feeling you'll do it via the Package Manager all the same.

Offline rider

Re: Arcade Pass Item and SMF Arcade Integration
« Reply #55 on: June 06, 2007, 06:17:59 pm »
Hey...I can show you it working on my own sites so I know for sure that there isn't a problem.

 I'd uninstall the integration mod, then upgrade the arcade then reinstall the integration mod...and I'll lay odds with you that you'll wonder what all the fuss was about when you're done as it will work without even a murmer of discontent.

 The integration mod doesn't have any version checking in it so it will try to work with any SMF Arcade version...and will probably work with most (if not all) of the 2.x series. The changes from 2.07 to 2.08 don't affect anything it uses so, again, there simply isn't a problem.

 I wonder if they tried it or just assumed there would be a problem? Maybe Rider had a modified version and that caused difficulties.
Thanks David.I'm the one said it didn't work I guess I'm wrong.I have 2.0.7 with eeek's mod.Seems people can still play without a pass and nobody gets credits for highscores.Its enabled,I wonder if it theme related or I'll try what you did and see if that does the trick.Sorry perplexed and thanks again David.

Offline David

Re: Arcade Pass Item and SMF Arcade Integration
« Reply #56 on: June 06, 2007, 06:25:22 pm »
It's a pleasure...I use a rather hacked up 2.08 with the changes Eeek made on 2.07 added into it. I sent Eeek my altered files and I know he'll get around to making a new version soon enough. Seeing as it's you I could let you have the changed files if you want them...I have one bug where the ststistics icon in the posts doesn't link to the statistics....just too lazy to fix it.

Offline rider

Re: Arcade Pass Item and SMF Arcade Integration
« Reply #57 on: June 06, 2007, 06:52:22 pm »
It's a pleasure...I use a rather hacked up 2.08 with the changes Eeek made on 2.07 added into it. I sent Eeek my altered files and I know he'll get around to making a new version soon enough. Seeing as it's you I could let you have the changed files if you want them...I have one bug where the ststistics icon in the posts doesn't link to the statistics....just too lazy to fix it.
Ok I'm not hard but I've tried this on 3 diff sites and non of them worked.

Offline David

Re: Arcade Pass Item and SMF Arcade Integration
« Reply #58 on: June 06, 2007, 06:59:49 pm »
 You've foxed me too as I can't get it not to work despite trying it on both php 4.x and 5.x just in case it might be a php version issue.

 One thing though...I did clean installs of everything (not the database...the files) rather than an upgrade from a previous version...wonder if the upgrade upset anything? I'm at the clutching at straws stage so this may well be a false lead.

Offline rider

Re: Arcade Pass Item and SMF Arcade Integration
« Reply #59 on: June 06, 2007, 07:30:51 pm »
You've foxed me too as I can't get it not to work despite trying it on both php 4.x and 5.x just in case it might be a php version issue.

 One thing though...I did clean installs of everything (not the database...the files) rather than an upgrade from a previous version...wonder if the upgrade upset anything? I'm at the clutching at straws stage so this may well be a false lead.
The 3 are test sites and the arcades are either 2.0.7 or 2.0.8 with eeek's mod.The pass worked until the I added either eeek's mod or upgraded to 2.0.8.I've looked at all the files to see if any changes had to be made and found none,but i dont know code to well so missing something would be easy