Author Topic: Items Request  (Read 2760 times)

Offline GhostWriter

Items Request
« on: May 10, 2007, 07:34:11 am »
I was wonderng as an add on for my smf shop on my rp site if someone could code two things. Or would there be away to take an existing item and just change the graphic of it to something else that would fit. I wanted these to be unique items to purchase, meaning there would only be one of each in the shop to purchase until they were used up by the one who purchased it and they would only be replaced once in awhile, to give the members the want to get there hands on them..

I was looking for

1. An Item to steal just Karma from someone (A Bloodstone Graphic), Named something like Bloodstone.php,. This item should be able to be used three times
2. An Item that would allow a none member of staff to be invisible (A mirror graphic). Invisiable.php. This item should be able to be used three times.

If someone could do this I would appriciate it alot..