Author Topic: Blah Blah Blubber Blah  (Read 3219 times)

Offline Joker Grafix

Blah Blah Blubber Blah
« on: July 03, 2007, 06:48:24 pm »
Okay now that I have your attention. I was looking at some mods in SMF, and came across the mod for "Blabberizer" (

Now, how about an item where a member can purchase said item and then use said item to turn another users post into what the blabberizer mod turns violations into. Which is turning the post into a series of "Blah Blah Blah Blubber" etc etc get the point.

Other things this item could include could be:

Admin Setting:
Admin selects which board this item shop will take effect in
Admin can immunize other Admins, Global Moderators, Moderators, etc.

Core Setting:
User can either (A) Select which user/which post or (B) the code can be set to select a random user or a random post of a selected user by the person who purchased the item.

Anyone else have any tidbits? :2funny: :2funny: :knuppel2: :uglystupid2:

Offline feeble

Re: Blah Blah Blubber Blah
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2007, 09:22:29 pm »
Sounds like a good idea.

But I dont belive Blabberize is that advanced, in that you only have the option to turn all of a particulars users to blabber or not.

You can't actually set it for a particular post or board.

You could I suppose, add a bool column in the posts table and then work off that so a few adjustments will need to be made to the mod at hand for your required result.

As an idea? maybe add one line to the  dointerest cron job that will reset these variables.