Author Topic: Holiday items  (Read 3419 times)

Offline dothacker

Holiday items
« on: August 06, 2008, 11:08:06 am »
Would it be possible for anyone to make some small graphics for holiday items? Then once you have a package of a bunch of them you just upload them and the store will contain 0 and the admin will contain a bunch and then perhaps a script to send certain membergroups the item. Then later on, say 6 months the items will become available in the store but at a huge cost. This way they can be collectible. Each item would have the year at the end of it's name. Say "Easter egg '08" and then next year you can get "Chocolate Easter bunny '09" and so on. But the best way to decide which holidays get items is to make a set (maybe 5, so that's 5 years worth) for each major holiday and have them as separate download files and then have users request other holidays.

4th of July