Author Topic: uninstall  (Read 4489 times)

Offline eseong

« on: October 05, 2006, 09:36:51 am »

i would like to reinstall it again, but it can't... i had my install last time, and i din't did a proper way to uninstall ( i just delete it ) is there anyway to uninstall or overwrite it ?

Offline Daniel15

Re: uninstall
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2006, 06:58:07 pm »
To uninstall SMFShop, the main thing you'd need to do would be to delete all the SMFShop related stuff from the database (smf_shop_* tables, shop variables in smf_settings, money and moneyBank fields in smf_members, and countMoney field in smf_boards). You do this through a tool like phpMyAdmin. It doesn't matter about the files, as they'd be overwritten when you reinstall.

Once you remove all the SMFShop stuff from the database, try installing it again.