Author Topic: No acp, all there is are credits :(  (Read 2517 times)

Offline patriotfan

No acp, all there is are credits :(
« on: July 24, 2008, 11:54:53 pm »
I have installed SMF Shop 4 times now. 2 thru SMF and 2 thru a ftp client. Also, each time they were different downloads

I dont see a the shop acp and when you go to the shop
It has that ^^^ has the page title and all you see are the people's credits
Here is a screenshot:
I cant figure out what I did wrong :(

 I insalled SMF Arcade, Gallery, Staff List, and Download Manager and they worked fine.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2008, 11:57:06 pm by patriotfan »

Offline Toups

Re: No acp, all there is are credits :(
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2008, 12:06:53 am »
did you make the necessary modifications for your theme?
go there, go to Manual Install Instructions for SMF on the right side, select your SMF Version
Make sure you've done the mods for your theme, some won't call to the default theme folder where the mod thinks it will be.. for this problem..

Move the included file "Shop.english.php" to "./Themes/default/languages".
Move the included file "ShopAdmin.template.php" to "./Themes/default".
Move the included file "Shop.template.php" to "./Themes/default".

Make sure you move those to that theme's folder (re-download the zip and manually put them there)

Move the included directory "shop" to "./Sources".
Move the included file "Shop.english.php" to "./Themes/YOURTHEMENAME/languages".
Move the included file "ShopAdmin.template.php" to "./YOURTHEMENAME/default".
Move the included file "Shop.template.php" to "./YOURTHEMENAME/default".

Seeing as yours is basically missing the text... you're probably missing Shop.english.php in your theme's languages folder.

Oh and btw, you spelled Computers wrong on your forum. (No New Posts       Conputers and Hardware)
« Last Edit: July 25, 2008, 12:44:22 am by Toups »