Author Topic: File missing?  (Read 5244 times)

Offline BMSprint

File missing?
« on: March 09, 2007, 09:49:30 am »
Regarding the interest feature my cron job seems to always have no output. I don't use the cpanel package so the differences in how to create it may be a problem but I think more likely I am missing the interest=log.htm file because it certainly does not exist. Is that likely the reason my cron job can't output?

Offline Daniel15

Re: File missing?
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2007, 10:03:40 am »
How are you creating the cron job?
If the cronjob runs on the server and calls the PHP binary directly (eg. /usr/bin/php -q /path/to/dointerest.php), it will work properly. Otherwise, if you're accessing it via URL (lynx, wget, etc.), it won't do anything. Take a look at the topic at,31.0.html to see information on accessing the script via URL (you'll need to use the script in that topic)

Offline BMSprint

Re: File missing?
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2007, 07:19:30 am »
It's much like you would do with cpanel except it isn't the brand "Cpanel" so I assume it is the server directly.

First of all, it tells me to make sure it is all in www/ and the information entrance area has a www/ and then you type your cron job, if that means anything.

Secondly, my forum's Server Settings area says my SMF directory is /mnt/w0514/d43/s47/b01da51d/www/bmsprint/death/forum, so since I have to start with www I used bmsprint/death/forum/ (and then whatever you add in the files.) Does that help at all?

Offline Daniel15

Re: File missing?
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2007, 09:29:22 am »
It's much like you would do with cpanel except it isn't the brand "Cpanel" so I assume it is the server directly.
It's possible that it's a control panel designed by the webhost themselves...

Secondly, my forum's Server Settings area says my SMF directory is /mnt/w0514/d43/s47/b01da51d/www/bmsprint/death/forum
In that case, try adding a cron job like this:
php -q  /mnt/w0514/d43/s47/b01da51d/www/bmsprint/death/forum/Sources/shop/dointerest.php
This is if you can do cronjobs like this.

Please provide a screenshot of your control panel, so I can see how you need to enter the information in :)

Offline BMSprint

Re: File missing?
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2007, 09:40:22 am »
It being coded from scratch by the host is what I was trying to imply :)

The screenshot can be found at --- due to me saving it as a gif in paint the colors changed---a LOT---but the basic frame of the page is there so that is OK.

Offline BMSprint

Re: File missing?
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2007, 09:44:38 am »
Your change did work, but the result information textbox automatically had some text that may be a concern:

<br />
<b>Notice</b>:  SSI.php was unable to load a session!  This may cause problems with logout and other functions - please make sure SSI.php is included before *anything* else in all your scripts! in <b>/mnt/w0514/d43/s47/b01da51d/www/bmsprint/death/forum/SSI.php</b> on line <b>160</b><br />
Interest added at 20/03/2007 07:41:10 PM

was in a textbox that is on the page after I executed a test run of the interest.

Offline BMSprint

Re: File missing?
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2007, 02:50:02 pm »
I'm having a new problem now... when I perform a test run it is working, but it is not adding the interest on a day to day basis.

Offline feeble

Re: File missing?
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2007, 07:14:54 am »
what an odd error

whats on like 160 in ssi.php

sounds like youve made a few changes to your ssi.php

Offline BMSprint

Re: File missing?
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2007, 07:41:11 am »
Nah, not me. Might be on netfirms' part.

Here is a text file with the code of ssi.php:

Offline BMSprint

Re: File missing?
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2007, 08:20:06 am »
Four moths later, the issues were still not resolved.  My cron job only works when I do a test run, and it still returns that SSI error.