Author Topic: using windows IIS Server - whats about Cronjobs?  (Read 2433 times)

Offline surfy

using windows IIS Server - whats about Cronjobs?
« on: May 27, 2007, 12:34:19 pm »

Its easy to made a Scheduled task, the only question is, how the Windows command should look like..

Its easy to do a batchfile and do an command  ;)

but i have no idea, how to translate the unix command:

The command to use is: /usr/bin/php -q /home/[username]/public_html/[forum]/Sources/shop/dointerest.php > /home/[username]/public_html/[forum]/interest_log.htm

should only the  dointerest.php run, once a day?  :o

Therefore a cmd file should look like:

short break (using some old dos tools)
Kill the task after 1 minute

Is this the way? Killing the task, is a way to doenst get hunderts of Explorer Windows opened  ::)

Offline feeble

Re: using windows IIS Server - whats about Cronjobs?
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2007, 01:39:06 pm »
havent looked into doing it your way
but i use CronW
for my server

Offline Daniel15

Re: using windows IIS Server - whats about Cronjobs?
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2007, 01:53:21 pm »
Is this the way?
If you're running it on your computer (ie. your computer is the server), you'll need to have PHP installed. Then, the command might look a little like:

c:\php\php.exe -q c:\inetpub\htdocs\forum\Sources\shop\dointerest.php > c:\inetpub\htdocs\forum\interest_log.txt

I've never used IIS, but I assume its web root is in c:\inetpub.

Edit: Also, you probably wouldn't need to kill the task - It should exit automatically once complete (only a few seconds).
« Last Edit: May 27, 2007, 01:55:27 pm by Daniel15 »