Author Topic: User`s and the trade center  (Read 11699 times)

Offline bigguy

User`s and the trade center
« on: January 03, 2006, 06:44:42 am »
Is there anyway members can sell like sigs and wallpaper and stuff like that in the new trade center ?

Offline Daniel15

Re: User`s and the trade center
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2006, 02:29:11 pm »
No, not at the moment.

They can only sell items which you have in your shop.

Offline bigguy

Re: User`s and the trade center
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2006, 04:07:37 pm »
Wil this be apart of future releases or its just not possible ?

Offline 501

Re: User`s and the trade center
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2006, 05:39:07 pm »
I'd love for Users to create sigs and sell them to people, I'm also wanting to sell the actual privilage of having a sig too. I'm still looking for a way to sell things like BBcode to users, although I spent yesterday beating the display.template.php file into letting me sell icons which appear in the user info section of posts.

I'd love to know if anyone has already done anything like this, especially the BBCode one ;)

Offline bigguy

Re: User`s and the trade center
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2006, 01:26:16 pm »
I think you can change one of the test items into something to sell, I`m just not sure how to do it.

Offline Daniel15

Re: User`s and the trade center
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2006, 01:57:10 pm »
I think you can change one of the test items into something to sell, I`m just not sure how to do it.

You need to know PHP to be able to make your own items. If you do understand PHP, you can use the current items (including the test items) for reference. The test items are largely commented, so if you know basic PHP, you'll understand it.

Offline Redblade

Re: User`s and the trade center
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2006, 05:47:00 am »
I'd love for Users to create sigs and sell them to people, I'm also wanting to sell the actual privilage of having a sig too. I'm still looking for a way to sell things like BBcode to users, although I spent yesterday beating the display.template.php file into letting me sell icons which appear in the user info section of posts.

I'd love to know if anyone has already done anything like this, especially the BBCode one ;)

Only problem I see with selling sigs, is that people might try to steal it. You would to somehow restrict the ability to right-click and save. On top of that the image would need to be reduced in size or stamped with something so people can't use it right away.

And I mean reduced in size, as in that even if you right-click and save the image will still be that small. I've seen some sites that have reduced images, but if you right-click and save, you will get the full size version. I think it was some html that reduced the image size, but still had your browser upload the full image size.

Just make sure that there are alot of security features added so people can't steal the images, either through right-click, print screen or by it being cached in thier browser. Those methods I listed should keep that from happening.

Offline bigguy

Re: User`s and the trade center
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2006, 03:38:16 pm »
Where do I find the code for the test items ?

I think you can change one of the test items into something to sell, I`m just not sure how to do it.

You need to know PHP to be able to make your own items. If you do understand PHP, you can use the current items (including the test items) for reference. The test items are largely commented, so if you know basic PHP, you'll understand it.

Offline Daniel15

Re: User`s and the trade center
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2006, 07:34:22 pm »
The code for the test items is in Sources/shop/items/testitem.php and Sources/shop/items/testitem2.php. It's best to look at all the items to see how they work, the test items are highly commented so they'll help you there.

Offline bigguy

Re: User`s and the trade center
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2006, 05:23:29 am »
Ok i`ll take alook at that as soon as I get time, thank you.