Author Topic: Some Ideas I'm kicking around...  (Read 3811 times)

Offline JRSofty

Some Ideas I'm kicking around...
« on: March 23, 2007, 05:23:45 pm »
I've got several ideas I'm kicking around in my head for enhancement mods, and items for SMFShop was wondering if anyone would be interested in having something like these in their shop system.

1. Multiple Bank Accounts. You could have different bank accounts and different interest rates for each?
2. Rob the Bank item.
3. Steal Item. Don't just steal some money take something from their inventory (really surprised no one thought of this yet).

If you like any of these ideas let me know. I'll see if I can get a project started on Daniel's development site and start building them.

Offline Lady Ambrosia

Re: Some Ideas I'm kicking around...
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2007, 04:43:20 am »
The Multiple Bank Accounts would be kind of neat, that is if a member robs the bank that you don't lose ALL your money from the other bank accounts.
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Offline Daniel15

Re: Some Ideas I'm kicking around...
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2007, 10:47:41 am »
1. Multiple Bank Accounts. You could have different bank accounts and different interest rates for each?
Sounds nice, but how would it work? Would there be a seperate table for bank accounts?

Offline xfollowthereaperx

Re: Some Ideas I'm kicking around...
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2007, 12:21:47 pm »
"2. Rob the Bank item."

We already have that one?

Offline JRSofty

Re: Some Ideas I'm kicking around...
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2007, 05:32:30 pm »
The Multiple Bank Accounts would be kind of neat, that is if a member robs the bank that you don't lose ALL your money from the other bank accounts.

That was what I was thinking.

1. Multiple Bank Accounts. You could have different bank accounts and different interest rates for each?
Sounds nice, but how would it work? Would there be a seperate table for bank accounts?
Yes, it would have to. To do it as a mod would be a major hack of the SMFShop. It'll take me some time to perfect it so that it doesn't effect the shop functions too much. Basically when a new member registers a new bank account would be added to the table. This would be their default bank account. Then if they wanted another bank account they could add one (or we could make this an item allowing them only to have a new bank account after they pay for it). The default bank account would be the one open for attack by a Rob the bank, attack however other accounts wouldn't be (or not at first )
"2. Rob the Bank item."

We already have that one?

Do we? I hadn't seen it? If you could point it out to me that would be great.

Offline Daniel15

Re: Some Ideas I'm kicking around...
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2007, 07:24:24 pm »
Do we? I hadn't seen it?
Yeah, at,319.0.html (granted, it needs a little bit of cleanup, but should work fine ;))

Offline JRSofty

Re: Some Ideas I'm kicking around...
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2007, 09:35:09 pm »
Yeah I saw the post a couple of days ago.

I might have to play with it for my own site. (not that I have a really active site but you never know when your members want to use it :lol:)