Author Topic: Moving my shop to SMF 2.0b4. How do you bring back users' inventory & credits?  (Read 4909 times)

Offline bipsmith

In anticipation of the move to SMF 2.0, I've created a test forum using a duplicate of my current forum's database.

Before I could upgrade to SMF 2.0, I uninstalled all modifications, including the shop. Then I upgraded. The upgrade went perfectly. I re-installed the shop, and I noticed that everyone is back to zero credits and no items.

I know the old database has fields for money in pocket and money in bank that must have been replaced when the new shop was installed.

Is there a simple way to export just the values for those two fields and import them into the new installation of the forum?

I suspect this question will be asked a lot more when the official release comes out, since users need to uninstall mods to make it work.

Any help would be appreciated.

Offline mike dijital

Do you use PHPmy admin

you can export and import single tables

load up the backup os the oldforum on a seperate DB, use PHP myadmin to export to two tables you need, then import them to the new DB with PHPmyadmin

Offline bipsmith

I do use phpMyAdmin. However, when I try to export individual tables, it exports the whole smf_members table instead of the two fields for money in pocket and money in bank.

I've tried making a backup of the database and deleting everything on the table except money in bank and money in pocket. When I import that, the numbers show up, but they aren't associated with any members. When I include member IDs, it "deletes" all members so I can't check to see if that works.

Offline mike dijital

how many members do you have?

Offline bipsmith

Just under 900. So, it's right on the edge of me being able to enter the numbers by hand, but close enough to too many. Only about 250 of them would really be upset to not have their inventory or credits, so I could enter in the top 250 numbers.

Offline mike dijital

Honestly that would be my resort, i would make a post saying anyone who wants there credits back say " I "

there is a way to just get the table you want, im just not 100% sure how to do it.

Offline bipsmith

I'm pretty sure there is a way to export only a portion of a table, too. I'll keep playing with it and post here if I figure it out. It could help other users.

I'm not planning on officially upgrading for another month or two, so I'm trying to address possible issues now.

Thanks for your help with this. If I have to transfer entries by hand, it won't be a disaster.

Offline mike dijital

good luck with that , ill keep asking around my tech friends for you and ill see if i can nail down an answer

Offline bipsmith

Thanks. I appreciate that.