Author Topic: More then 1 Shop Mod  (Read 1805 times)

Offline SinekSekiz

More then 1 Shop Mod
« on: July 03, 2007, 03:24:28 am »
Hi Daniel

Long time passed since I have been in this site. So very long infact I do not even remember since when. : )

I come back  whit a headache as usual. I wonder if it is possible to add more then one Shop to a SMF board.

I currently have SMF 1.1.3+TP0.98 And Shop Mode 3.0 and I am running a FRP board. I want to have 3 different Merchant (3 Different Shop) and a common income.

What I mean is we will recive same money but can spent in 3 different shops. Is it possible?

One more thing I would like to see how many Item do I have in the main screen user panel. On tp and SMF. I am sending a picture to demostrate.

Thank you very much.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2007, 02:27:16 am by SinekSekiz »