Author Topic: Issue with user sessions?  (Read 5708 times)

Offline Matt

Issue with user sessions?
« on: February 14, 2006, 04:50:47 am »
Hi - just installed your mod this evening, all my users are now constantly stealing stuff from each other :) I've got one user that whenever he tries to access the shop, he gets logged out of the forum, with the message 'Only registered members are allowed to access this section' - he's using Internet Exploder 6, and his permissions on the forums check out - I'm thinking an issue with the cookies, but I'm no expert in this area, was wondering if you might be able to shed some light?

Ta in advance :)

Offline Daniel15

Re: Issue with user sessions?
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2006, 06:54:08 pm »
Firstly, make sure the user is going to the correct domain. For example, in the view of cookies, and are completely different domains.
Also, could you post the domain here? I'll try it and see what happens for me.

P.S You could also try and persuade this user to use Opera 8.5 :D

Offline Matt

Re: Issue with user sessions?
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2006, 06:14:40 am »
Thanks for that - I ended up asking the user to download Firefox and try it in that - lo and behold, it worked :) Firefox 1, Internet Exploder...ummm...-797689765? :) I'm thinking it was either his IE settings, or some overzealous 3rd party security software...

Ta for your help