Author Topic: I am stuck, can this be done...  (Read 2690 times)

Offline Razor Heretic

I am stuck, can this be done...
« on: December 17, 2006, 01:40:02 pm »
OKay  I want to add countdown tickers to my SMF shop...

Like the ones seen at

The issue is they are wide and would mess up posting if they are put in like a profile image that would go like under the avatar.

So can there be a profile image item that functions and lets you set it like those tickers but when you buy it in the shop, it goes in a space in your posts that would be UNDER the signature area.

So basically it would call to the profile and there would be a space under signature in profile. When you buy it from the shop the code would put itself there rather than display itself under the avatar...

so it would be signature  and under signature your graphic countdown ticker area.

Does that make sense how I explained???

I kind of meshed some code... where do I go from here and is this even functional.

I am not an expert in php etc. I am just teaching myself.

I know how to add things to SMF shop that display in your posts like where profile image would go.

Offline Razor Heretic

Re: I am stuck, can this be done...
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2006, 02:34:48 pm »
okay it is sort of working...what am I doing wrong???

Offline feeble

Re: I am stuck, can this be done...
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2006, 03:30:49 pm »
what is a ticker? is it like a timer?

for timezone, maybe using the members forums timezone instead. then its automatically adjusts for whoever is reading it, and then they dont need to adjust for their timezone.

try storing the data in themes table. the array that you created will end in global $options.

i know its an early build, so you probably are already considering it. but instead of letting the user select from an options forum, using a color picker, and a text box. that way any colour can be selected.

again, for the date, let the user type it in manually. that is probably just preference but not any better.

instead of using .. for links, just have the address there. then you can using $boardurl."url to image", plus works alot better, as not everyone has the sources folder in the same spot.

to get it to display under signatures, just find "signature" in display file in your theme directory. is one way atleast, not the best, but easier

pretty cool item, if i knew what it was exactly