Author Topic: The smf shop band count and other mods didn't show up in the Ig-Oh theme  (Read 3432 times)

Offline joseph21

Hello, I have this problem after installed the smf shop and other mods such as the profile image etc won't show on the Ig-Oh theme.  It will only show if I set the "Posters information position" to position at the top. When I change it to position at the left side, the bank count will not show even the mods. Is there a solution to this? Thanks in advance! Love this Smf Shop!    O0

EDITED: I forgot to mention that I have the latest smf 1.1 rc2 and the Ig-oh1.1rc2 theme.

Offline Daniel15

 Did you read the information at ? In your case, the post count might be shown twice in the template, and hence you might need to paste the code block two times...

And for the Profile Image, the code you need to use is in this post.

Offline joseph21

Thanks for replying. I've already applied everything this forum has to talk abouot making the smf shop mod show in other themes.  It only works when I set it the posters info to the top of every post.  But its not convenient having a forum like that  :buck2: So I prefer to show it on the left position. Therefore, I got this problem after changing the current theme options.

I don't quite get what you mean by  "post count might be shown twice in the template, and hence you might need to paste the code block two times"
Do I need to paste the codes twice into the theme/igoh/index.template.php ?

Display.template.php of Ig-oh's theme

// Show the member's gender icon?
if (!empty($settings['show_gender']) && $message['member']['gender']['image'] != '')
$txt[231], ': '$message['member']['gender']['image'], '<br />';

//BEGIN SMFShop Profile Images Item 0.1 Beta
            global $db_prefix$boardurl;
            $result_flag db_query("SELECT shop_Flag
                                     WHERE ID_MEMBER = 
                                     LIMIT 1"
            $row_flag mysql_fetch_array($result_flagMYSQL_ASSOC);
if($row_flag['shop_Flag'] !== "") {
                echo "Flag: <img src='{$boardurl}/Sources/shop/flag_images/{$row_flag['shop_Flag']}'><br>";
            //END SMFShop Flag Item

// Show how many posts they have made.
echo '
', $txt[26], ': ', $message['member']['posts'], '<br />
<br />';

            //BEGIN Shop MOD 0.2 Code
$txt[26], ': '$message['member']['posts'], '<br />

            //I couldn't find where all these $message['member'][whatever] variables
            //are set, so I just send an extra database query to get the member's
            //money. Can someone tell me where (file and line) the $message variables
            //are set?
            global $ID_MEMBER$db_prefix;

            $result_money db_query("SELECT money
                                      WHERE ID_MEMBER = 
                                      LIMIT 1"
            $row_money mysql_fetch_array($result_moneyMYSQL_ASSOC);

            echo $modSettings['shopCurrencyPrefix'].$row_money['money'].$modSettings['shopCurrencySuffix']."<br><br>";
            //END SHOP MOD

//BEGIN SMFShop MOD 1.31 (Build 7) CODE
"<a href='$scripturl?action=shop;do=invother2;member={$message['member']['username']}'>View Inventory</a><br>";
//END SMFShop MOD 1.31 code

« Last Edit: July 15, 2006, 01:17:05 am by joseph21 »

Offline Daniel15

I don't quite get what you mean by  "post count might be shown twice in the template, and hence you might need to paste the code block two times"
Do I need to paste the codes twice into the theme/igoh/index.template.php ?
Display.template.php, and yes, it's in there twice. Once at about line 347, and again at line 614 (the one at line 614 is used when you show the information on the left)

Offline joseph21

Thanks it worked!  O0

Offline Daniel15

Glad to see you solved it :)
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