Author Topic: A Few Item Questions  (Read 4173 times)

Offline Greyias

A Few Item Questions
« on: June 06, 2006, 12:46:28 am »
All right, I'm really bad at coding (re: know absolutely nothing at all despite my two PHP books sitting next to me), but I was wondering if a few things were possible...

I was hoping to make an item that was to be redeemed with the admin staff (ie: decorate the board for one day, custom emoticon, etc), but with the current system I'd have to make a useless item, have them PM me the details, and then remove it out of their inventory as soon as they redeemed it (kinda like a coupon I guess). This wouldn't be too much trouble at first, but eventually the work might pile up.

Also, I was wondering how I could make an item specifically for users to buy, to offer their services (avatar making, banner making, etc) so they could earn money on their own, outside of posting. Would they request an item, and I set it at 1 or 0 credits, and have them buy it and then sell it?

Finally, what about "special" items? For example, we run a bingo-like game on my board, and I was wanting to give the winner a little trophy or award in their inventory (in addition to a pot of credits and maybe karma). I've figured out the credit and karma part, but not the rest. Would it be something that I'd have to set 0 in the shop, and then place in someone's inventory?

Offline Basil Beard

Re: A Few Item Questions
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2006, 01:01:36 am »
I was hoping to make an item that was to be redeemed with the admin staff (ie: decorate the board for one day, custom emoticon, etc), but with the current system I'd have to make a useless item, have them PM me the details, and then remove it out of their inventory as soon as they redeemed it (kinda like a coupon I guess). This wouldn't be too much trouble at first, but eventually the work might pile up.
Donno what "decorate the board" means; but an emotion uploader shouldn't be too hard to code. The tricky part would be actually uploading the emotion, adding it to the database would be easy.
Also, Iwas wondering how I could make an item specifically for users to buy, to offer their services (avatar making, banner making, etc) so they could earn money on their own, outside of posting. Would they request an item, and I set it at 1 or 0 credits, and have them buy it and then sell it?
Huh? Can you explain this a lil more?

Finally, what about "special" items? For example, we run a bingo-like game on my board, and I was wanting to give the winner a little trophy or award in their inventory (in addition to a pot of credits and maybe karma). I've figured out the credit and karma part, but not the rest. Would it be something that I'd have to set 0 in the shop, and then place in someone's inventory?

Right now thats the only way you can do that. By chaning the shop code/databases around, you can set it so that certain items don't appear in the shop. You can then code an item gererator to give out tiems. Thats what I have done.

Offline Greyias

Re: A Few Item Questions
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2006, 01:57:08 am »
Donno what "decorate the board" means; but an emotion uploader shouldn't be too hard to code. The tricky part would be actually uploading the emotion, adding it to the database would be easy.
Basically "decorating the board" would be something they would schedule with the admin staff, on a specified date to decorate the index page to their liking. On our member's birthdays we decorate everything to celebrate their birthday, one of those fun inane things. The emoticon thing could also use a PM function.

Also, Iwas wondering how I could make an item specifically for users to buy, to offer their services (avatar making, banner making, etc) so they could earn money on their own, outside of posting. Would they request an item, and I set it at 1 or 0 credits, and have them buy it and then sell it?
Huh? Can you explain this a lil more?

Sorry about that. Getting ahead of myself. Basically I was hoping to let members sell their services of something they might provide (A popular fanfic writer might make a coupon to write a personalized story, or something of that regard), and maybe make a coupon for those services as an item. Maybe I could do it like the other special items I was talking about below?  (...I'm not sure if I explained that any better :( )

Right now thats the only way you can do that. By chaning the shop code/databases around, you can set it so that certain items don't appear in the shop. You can then code an item gererator to give out tiems. Thats what I have done.

That sounds like what I want to do. Is there a tutorial on how to do that? My coding skills are... sad, to say the least.

Offline Basil Beard

Re: A Few Item Questions
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2006, 04:36:15 am »
The changes are not that hard. I could probably look through my code and figgure them out when I have a little more time.

Board decorating sounds like something that would be very hard to code as an item, so probably just use it as something redeemable.

I still don't perfectly understand the selling services thing. It would be possible to buy an item, in which someone could say, input a story, which would then create an item which he could sell; and unpon using that item you could read their story---but that would also be very abusable. Still not sure what you are looking for here. Sorry :-\

Offline Greyias

Re: A Few Item Questions
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2006, 11:31:52 am »
It's another redeemable coupon thing. Was just wanting to set something up where members could sell their souls--er, hard work, on the market if they chose to.

Thanks! I know you're busy, so I can be a patient little lemming :) I'm waiting to try and work out the kinks before I go live with this mod.

Offline Greyias

Re: A Few Item Questions
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2006, 06:04:51 pm »
Just figured out I'm apparently blind and didn't see the "E-mail Admin" item, which can easily be used for most of the things I was wanting.

So I guess the only thing I really need to figure out right now is the item generator and how to hide certain items from showing up in the shop.

(Thanks so much for your patience :) Some days I'm just a little bit more than slow)