Author Topic: Some Items Ideas  (Read 3346 times)

Offline prisoner

Some Items Ideas
« on: October 22, 2006, 05:37:00 am »


i never have coded in PHP, but i have some ideas for items and shop modifications, maybe someone does the job ?

1. it will be nice when the admin can edit a message for every item. The message should apear when the item is used, so the admin can made item like This: Item Name: "unidentified item", after use the user will receive the message for this item like this: "Ups, your posts are now decrased by 10" or what ever the admin have typed in...

2. Enter the amount of given credits for every board seperatly

3. A pesonal Armageddon item (the user to harm are choosable from a list...)

4. A protection Item for all the harmfull items (protection item for steal credits, annother protection item for armageddon and so on...)

5. Time properties for the items... maybe the items lost from day to day power...

6. An pm to the member which was targeted by a bad item like steal credits with the information which member has done this...

7.An info under the avatar picture how strong a member is protected with protection items

8. Auktion for items in the trade center, for example: a member put a item in the tradecenter for a specified time (hours/days), the other members can bet, after the specified time, the member with the highest bet will receive the item

9. Item to bann a member from a specified among of time fom the trade center...

10. item to bann a member from a specified among of time from a choosen board...

I have a lot of more ideas but i think this time is enough....

Excuse my bad english, hope you understand...


Offline feeble

Re: Some Items Ideas
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2006, 07:48:42 am »
1. it will be nice when the admin can edit a message for every item. The message should apear when the item is used, so the admin can made item like This: Item Name: "unidentified item", after use the user will receive the message for this item like this: "Ups, your posts are now decrased by 10" or what ever the admin have typed in...
isnt this possible atm. the admin just need to go into the php file and edit the return value?

Offline prisoner

Re: Some Items Ideas
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2006, 06:02:54 pm »
Ok, but it is more confortable way when the comment will be in a string variable, editable in the shop administration for every Item, so every Item should have a "done event" variable... or called what ever you want