Author Topic: Send Money / Send Item links in Display.template.php  (Read 2497 times)

Offline Xarcell

Send Money / Send Item links in Display.template.php
« on: June 12, 2007, 04:14:05 am »
I also added the "send item" link in the display.template.php file below the "send money" link.

However I can't get it to achieve the desired effect of the "send money" link. The "send item" link works, but unlike the "send money" link, it doesn't auto-insert the members name your trying to send the item to of the "Member's Name:" field in the "send an item to someone" page.

I'm not confusing anyone am I?

How can I achieve this?


Offline feeble

Re: Send Money / Send Item links in Display.template.php
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2007, 06:49:33 am »
Im assuming you currently have the "send money" link
look something like;do=senditems;member=demo

ill keep this simple but if you would prefer a more complex method thats overall better let me know

open up themes/default/Shop.template.php
search for
Code: [Select]
<input type="text" name="membername" id="membername" size="25" />
replace with
Code: [Select]
<input type="text" name="membername" id="membername" size="25" value="'.(isset($_GET['member'])?$_GET['member']:'').'"/>