Author Topic: Idea: Purchase Amount (Qty) box thingy  (Read 2317 times)

Offline Martin

Idea: Purchase Amount (Qty) box thingy
« on: February 04, 2007, 11:33:16 am »
I've got an idea of a qty box thing under every item in the shop, like you can specify how many of that item you want to buy, that could make it a bit easier to buy loads of items, some of my forum members are requesting that, I'd make it myself but I don't know how.

Offline Daniel15

Re: Idea: Purchase Amount (Qty) box thingy
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2007, 02:09:56 pm »
Sounds like a good idea, I've added it to my (incredibly long) TODO list.
Since I'm very busy at the moment (school just started again), I may not be able to do this for a while...