Yeah, I like that idea. Though I was doing some financial forecasting for my shop today. At the moment, i have around $60,000 credits in my shop, and with an interest rate of 2% a day, i'm gonna have $110,000 in a months time, and then more worryingly, in 6 months, im gonna have around 2.1 Million. This is at current cash flows, without the thousands I make from the random items i have made, like scratchcards that can give 8000 credits.
The worrying thing is that i have several keen users, who have around 10,000 to 20,000 in the bank, and its not gonna take them long to catch up.
Recently I've been trying to get rid of credits, mainly by doing competitions, and paying them out of my own pocket, but all this does is shift the bulk amount of credits to another user.
I think i may be taking my unit in economics a little too seriously, especially when you have created an excel cash predictor to show what sort of figures i could be at in the next few months, years etc...