Author Topic: Bank interest error  (Read 2666 times)

Offline animecosmo

Bank interest error
« on: July 20, 2007, 06:07:39 am »
I read the Wiki, and I did everything it said, but I am getting an error from my Cron Daemon email:

/bin/sh: /home/[my login edited out]/public_html/Forum/interest_log.htm: No such
 file or directory

I went back to the Wiki to make sure I had put in the cron job right, and it DOES ask for the interest_log.htm file at the forum root directory. However, I have no interest_log.htm file that I can find.

I have the dointerest.php file in Forum > Sources > shop

Am I supposed to make an interest_log.htm file? I ran a search in the forum to see if this was answered before, but either it was not or I missed it.

Offline feildmaster

Re: Bank interest error
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2007, 11:28:43 am »
take this part here

and add this to the end:
Code: [Select]
/shop/dointerest.php[EDIT] forgot ...
include this code at teh beginning...
Code: [Select]
/usr/bin/php -q
look something like dis...
Code: [Select]
/usr/bin/php -q /home/[my login edited out]/public_html/Source/shop/dointerest.php
in the cron job... thats how u make it work... =) (it will take another 1-2 days to get the settings fixed). also, make sure dointerest.php is chmod'd to 777. or else it wont work.

oh yeah and that part is in server settings in admin page
« Last Edit: July 20, 2007, 03:44:08 pm by feildmaster »

Offline Daniel15

Re: Bank interest error
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2007, 01:02:30 pm »
Am I supposed to make an interest_log.htm file?
The interest_log.htm file should be created when the cronjob is run. If you're having problems, remove the interest_log.htm bit (the > /...../interest_log.htm at the end of the cronjob line), and see if the cron job works (you'll get an email saying that the interest was successfully added). If it does work, add > /dev/null to the end of the cronjob line (this will stop it from emailing you).