Author Topic: Admin of the Shop  (Read 4281 times)

Offline Scopia

Admin of the Shop
« on: November 03, 2007, 10:20:16 pm »
Hey im the admin of and im new to SMFShop but never the less i think its amazing. The problem with it is there are two super admins to my forum, me and someone else. But i would like to have 3 more admins to the shop but i don't want them to be super admins. Ive look everywhere in the forum and have now become stuck. Thanks for your help


Offline Dark_Zero

Re: Admin of the Shop
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2007, 08:12:35 am »
create a new membergroup, and copy the super admins permissions to that new Shop Admin membergroup. then go to that membergroup's permissions, and un-tick anything that you dont want for them to be able to do.

Offline Daniel15

Re: Admin of the Shop
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2007, 10:49:40 am »
The problem with that is that there's no "Shop administration" permission by default, only admins can access the shop admin.
First, follow these instructions:
This requires some slight modifications of SMF's files:
In Sources/ManagePermissions.php, find:
Code: [Select]
'shop_trade' => false,Add after:
Code: [Select]
'shop_admin' => false,
In Themes/default/languages/ManagePermissions.english.php, find:
Code: [Select]
$txt['permissionname_shop_trade'] = 'Trade Centre';Add after:
Code: [Select]
$txt['permissionname_shop_admin'] = 'Shop Administration';
Then create a new membergroup, and give that group the "Shop Administration" permission. This should do what you want it to do :)