Author Topic: [SOLVED] *Somebody*?? In the shop area "add/edit/delete" item "Send Admin an e-mail"  (Read 5295 times)

Offline Mother Goose

In the shop area "add/edit/delete" item "Send Admin an e-mail" (which is now "Member Recognition Icon for the Post Profile") some code needs to be done to include the content of the "special field" in to email.

What would you put in this field:
Code: [Select]
{$_POST["Icon Number and member name"]= <input type}

to get this info:
Code: [Select]
Enter Icon Number and Members name: <input type="text" name="Enter Icon Number and Members name" />sent in the email to me?

What I have done is set up through the awards mod icons for members to buy in the shop, and have displayed in other members forum post profile under their Avatar. Icons like... "Troop Support".... "You little Devil You!" .... "You're a Gem" ... "I think you are Super".

This page can be found at "Member Recognition Icons" HEN Forums

Can someone help me figure this out please?   :uglystupid2:

Thank you!  ;)
« Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 06:34:29 am by Mother Goose »

Offline Mother Goose

Re: In the shop area "add/edit/delete" item "Send Admin an e-mail"
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2007, 07:34:30 am »
Is it possible I have posted this in the wrong spot? 

Offline Mother Goose

Re: In the shop area "add/edit/delete" item "Send Admin an e-mail"
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2007, 01:49:49 pm »
Is there anyone who can help? Please?   :'(

Offline Mother Goose

Re: In the shop area "add/edit/delete" item "Send Admin an e-mail"
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2007, 12:34:53 pm »
HI.. bump....  :angel:

Offline Mother Goose

Re: In the shop area "add/edit/delete" item "Send Admin an e-mail"
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2007, 04:41:38 am »
Help!  I am lost ... alone... in the desert.....  :-\  :::back of hand on forehead:::::

::peeks up to see if the drama is working::::   :D

Offline Mother Goose

Offline Mother Goose

I am begging ...... somebody, please.

Offline Daniel15

Sorry, I've been rather busy with other things.
Firstly, I'd suggest to make the field name short and not contain any spaces. So, you'd do something like:
Code: [Select]
Enter Icon Number and Members name: <input type="text" name="iconnumber" />

Then, in the email, you'd do:
Code: [Select]
They entered: {$_POST["iconnumber"]}
Does that help?

Offline Mother Goose

Sorry, I've been rather busy with other things.
Firstly, I'd suggest to make the field name short and not contain any spaces. So, you'd do something like:
Code: [Select]
Enter Icon Number and Members name: <input type="text" name="iconnumber" />

Then, in the email, you'd do:
Code: [Select]
They entered: {$_POST["iconnumber"]}
Does that help?

Ohh Thank you Daniel!

I am soooo sorry for not understanding much code at all. Would you be so kind as to change the color of only the words *I* need to type into the window?  When I test this out, the e-mail arrives with the code displayed, and no info on who the award is meant for or which award they are buying.

Thank you for you help.

Offline Mother Goose

Ok... we got it working! Thank you!

Offline Daniel15

Alright, so you figured it out? :)
Please feel free to ask if you encounter any further problems.

Offline Mother Goose

Alright, so you figured it out? :)
Please feel free to ask if you encounter any further problems.

Thank you Daniel!!  O0 You have a wonderful, complex, useful mod. I hope I in no way insulted you. The use of it incorporated with the awards mod has been very beneficial for my forum. And, my forum benefits many people to help them feed their family.

I make wonderful graphics and would love to give back some how here. Please put me to work in anyway you might need.

Mini awards ect.. have a look.