Author Topic: New Groups problem  (Read 3521 times)


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New Groups problem
« on: June 11, 2007, 01:13:02 am »
Ok, here's the deal, I'm one of the webmasters of a forum that has recentlly installed the smfshop. So far, there have been no flaws or anything like that but...
I created 4 new groups after the shop was installed. These groups had custom stars, another color in the on-line list and stuff like that and you could only join'em if you bought the item that allowed you to change membergroups.
However... the people from the new groups cannot acces the shop anymore
I searched to see if there was a problem with the permissions but i didn't saw anywhere a option that would disallow someone not to use the shop...
The funny thing is that when I tested the change memebergroup item with an "older" group, that had allready existed before the shop was installed it worked flawleslly. No problems. This problem has only appeared to the new created groups...

Offline feeble

Re: New Groups problem
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2007, 06:16:35 am »
Reason that Your Old groups work with SMFShop is that when you installed SMFShop,
it automatically adds SMFShop permission to each membergroup

now to get it working for your other groups,

Go into the groups permissions and you should see on the top right
   Allow access to SMFShop     
   Buy Items    
   View Other Members' Inventory    
   Send Money to Someone    
   Send an Item to Someone    
   Trade Centre

If theres a blank box instead with just some checkbox's let me know
if so, are you using your forum in a different language?


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Re: New Groups problem
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2007, 09:25:20 am »
There is absolutelly nothing like that ...
Anyway, I managed to fix it by using "Set permissions like this group" but it's still wierd...
What if I don't want the guests to acces it? It's not the case though but still... the question remains...
Anyway, I have some printscreens for you:
I told you, I allready searched for something like this, I'm not a noob, you know :P
I searched to see if there was a problem with the permissions but i didn't saw anywhere a option that would disallow someone not to use the shop...