Author Topic: Download xxx File v2  (Read 2623 times)

Offline Vincent Volmer

Download xxx File v2
« on: July 28, 2008, 05:09:15 pm »

I couldn't find the original post so I started a new one.

On our 'freebie' shop I have a problem which I can not fix. After downloading a ZIP from the shop SOME users get a zero (0kB) archive. This is discussed a time ago that there was a 'space' before or after the ?> in Download xxx v2. That fixed for me the download problem. But again.... some users (not all) having that problem after updating of the webserver.

Is this scrip compatible with the last version of Apache? Which is the only software which is upgraded. After the upgrade some users can not download anymore without getting the 0dB archive.

Our webhoster thinks about a possible problem with the: "output-buffer flushing" .... but if that's the problem??

Could someone please help...? I really like the shop and his 'credits' functionality.

I'm using SMF 114 and Shop3.0

The path is correct (it works for some users): ../../files/ or the direct path: /usr/opt/usr/xxxxxxxxxxxx/DOMAIN/files/


Vincent Volmer
« Last Edit: September 02, 2008, 10:52:19 pm by Vincent Volmer »