Author Topic: [SOLVED] Count Shop Points  (Read 4699 times)

Offline Kamen

[SOLVED] Count Shop Points
« on: December 02, 2007, 01:16:51 pm »
I just recently installed this mod and so far I am really loving it.  However I did run in to a problem, but I am unsure if it is a bug or just something I messed up on.  I only want people to gain credits on certain forums and I have the "Count Shop Points" option unchecked in every forum except the few I want it used in.  Well people are posting in other boards where I have it turned off and credits are still being added to their accounts. I did have the "/Sources/Subs-Boards.php" test fail when I installed it, but everything else seems to be working just fine.  Could that be the reason why I am having this problem?  If so what portions of the code do I need to change in order to get that to work properly again?  Thanks.

Offline Dark_Zero

Re: Count Shop Points
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2007, 02:35:49 pm »
oh, yeah, that's the problem.
use the mod parser
or you can just manually add in the changes (may take a while, like, say ten minutes)

Offline Kamen

Re: Count Shop Points
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2007, 12:18:13 am »
I will probably do it manually. What exactly do I need to change in that file?  I currently am using the Gold Knight theme and have nneonneo's AJAX ShoutBox v 1.10, Custom Board Sort v 1.0.1, Welcome Topic Mod v 1.0 and Redirection Boards v 2.01installed.

Offline Kamen

Re: Count Shop Points
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2007, 12:33:03 am »
Scratch that. I used the Mod Parser and noticed one line of code was missing that it was supposed to add and sure enough I noticed that Child Boards I have were now showing "Count Shop Points" as checked.  I am going to go through and make the changes needed and see if that fixes my problem.